In our home we celebrate Christmas. May your holidays, no matter which you celebrate, be bright and blessed!
Wishing You Joyous Holidays!
The view this evening from Bostree, Sugar Loaf, NY…
Another snowy day at Bostree in Sugar Loaf, NY
This was the snowy scene today in Sugar Loaf, NY as I sipped my tea and looked out the kitchen door toward the Bostree Studio.
Although the birds were quite happy to flutter and feast in the storm, Sophie wanted to stay outside only briefly.
This is the broader view of the kiln shed and studio. The birds were abundant…
These little creatures seem all the more delicate in this weather.
I hope you are somewhere warm and snug this winter’s day and able to enjoy the beauty of the season! ~Terry
On this snowy Wednesday at Bostree in Sugar Loaf, NY
On this cold Wednesday of ice and snow in Sugar Loaf, NY, I took these photos and made a big pot of vegetable, venison stew. Perfect in one of Andy’s porcelain bowls!
… While Ray and his Husqvarna cleared the parking area of the Bostree studio, even though Andy’s pottery classes are cancelled for the evening.
… And the gallery, no longer located on Kings Highway, awaits it’s reopening on Wood Road, tucked-in snugly for for the winter.
… The finches fluttered and feasted, unperturbed by the weather.
The feeder is almost empty, but dependable me will refill it!
Wishing you warmth!
~Terry Boswell