Another snowy day at Bostree in Sugar Loaf, NY

This was the snowy scene today in Sugar Loaf, NY as I sipped my tea and looked out the kitchen door toward the Bostree Studio.

IMG_2868 Birds Bostree_Studio Kiln_Shed 3

Although the birds were quite happy to flutter and feast in the storm, Sophie wanted to stay outside only briefly.
IMG_2780 Sophie 2This is the broader view of the kiln shed and studio. The birds were abundant…IMG_2781 Bostree_Studio Ray_Boswell Reflection 3

.. and varied…
IMG_2796 Blue_Jay 4

.. and quite beautiful!
IMG_2876 Cardinal 3

These little creatures seem all the more delicate in this weather.
Finches and juncos in the snow

I hope you are somewhere warm and snug this winter’s day and able to enjoy the beauty of the season! ~Terry